Saturday, August 11, 2018

Fall rehearsals for Handel's Messiah start soon

New members are welcome this fall in the Evanston Civic Orchestra & Chorus as they start preparations for their Christmas concert on December 1st and December 3rd - Handel's Messiah. Rehearsals are Thursdays from 6-8 p.m. at Davis Middle School

Chorus starts September 6th
Orchestra starts October 4th (at EMS this week only)

The orchestra is particularly looking for new string players, and the chorus will accept singers for all parts. Auditions are not required, though membership is typically open to high-school age youth and adults with a moderate degree of training or experience who can perform the music. Younger students are accepted when they are musically able to perform the music, socially mature, and recommended by a teacher. A membership contribution of $20 for adults and $10 for students is requested of members, though everyone is welcome to participate regardless of ability to contribute. More information about expectations, required music, the directors, etc. can be found on the websites:

To join either group it is fine to just show up to the first rehearsal and get on the contact list, though it is helpful to make early contact and express an intent to join. Use one of the following contact methods:

by Sara